In Which Kubrick Tricks Us Into Not Noticing the Door Which Has Opened

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5 responses to “In Which Kubrick Tricks Us Into Not Noticing the Door Which Has Opened”

  1. Brian Avatar

    Is there not also a ghosted door knob across from the open door? It is silver and right in front of Danny.

    1. Juli Kearns Avatar

      Yes, there is that, too, what looks like a ghosted doorknob.

  2. Cuberick Avatar

    And isn’t the other door opening from the wrong side, or is it a hinge that looks like a doorknob?

    1. Juli Kearns Avatar

      You mean the door that’s open on the right? The brassy thing seen is the plate for the lock in the door frame. The door knob is on the left side of the door, while the door opposite has the door knob on the right.

  3. Jeff Blyth Avatar
    Jeff Blyth

    The “ghosted” doorknob is simply a reflection of a reflection. The trashcan on the left has a lighting hot spot that is stretched out and diffused in the reflection of it on the wall.

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