Stanley Kubrick photographed showgirl, Rosemary Williams (Williamson), in 1949 but a feature in LOOK didn't materialize. In 1949 she met a man named Sidney (Sid) Levy who presented himself as affluent and made her a number of gifts, such as a Cadillac, jewelry and a fur. It turned out he had swindled $53,000 that he had invested into "wooing"" her, which later made the papers due a court case. Kubrick's photos of Rosemary are on the right. I wonder if she and Sidney Levy make an uncredited appearance in 1951 in Kubrick's first film, Day of the Fight, in the audience at the Walter Cartier and Bobby James fight, as observed on the left. The couple is glimpsed immediately after the fight in the last few seconds of the film.

The embedded photos of Sid on the right are from Life magazine.

I'm convinced it's them.


April 2018.

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Day of the Fight analysis

The Showgirl as Walter Cartier's Counterpart and Her Relationship to Killer's Kiss. Before the Black Swan and The Fight Kubrick had the boxer Walter Cartier and the showgirl Rosemary Williams.

"The Creep" And The Doll - - 1951 Life Article on Showgirl, Rosemary Williams, Who Had Been Photographed by Kubrick for an Unpublished Look Story in 1949. Wherein Rosemary Williams gets in trouble a couple of years after Kubrick photographed her.

Conclusion of the Sid Levy Trial, Benefactor of Showgirl Rosemary Williams Who Kubrick Had Photographed in 1949

Rosemary Williams, who Kubrick photographed for a prospective LOOK piece, on What's My Line in 1966, her name then being Maria Kastner
