On the Road to Meteor Crater
The top two images are from 2006, when with our third attempt we finally were able to visit Meteor Crater. The bottom image is from the early 1990s, when we had attempted to visit Meteor Crater and found it closed due to bad weather. That geodesic dome gas station is the landmark that lets you know you are on the right road to the crater, and somehow the geodesic dome and the crater fit one another aesthetically, even though the geodesic dome could be argued as utopian architecture, while the meteor crater hints of vulnerability to apocalypse at any time by remembrance of an apocalyptic past. When we returned to the area in 2005, it nice to see the geodesic dome had survived twenty plus years. Google maps shows it is still there in 2022. One day it will be gone, but for the time being it endures.
IMG_1509, 2006mcgeodezicdome
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