Category: Hanford Declassified
Burial of Hot Goods at the 300N Site at the Hanford Project (7 pics)
Historic Photos from the Hanford Document Retrieval Declassified Archive of Burial of Contaminated Materials at the 300-N Site in 1955 Accession Number N1D0004132 Document Number 9855-NEG-B Alternate Document Number 9855-NEG Title Description 300-N BURIAL SITE Number of Pages 1 Key Word(s) Author(s) Company(s) Document Date 10-Feb-1955 Public Availability Date 14-Feb-2002
The Birth of the Hanford Project and Richland, Washington
The Birth of the Hanford Project and Richland, Washington – Historic Photos from the Hanford Declassified Archives Check Accession Number on this one. DDRS Record Details for Record Accession Number “N1D0031671” Accession Number N1D0031671 Document Number P-139-NEG Alternate Document Number P-139-NEG Title Description EARLY HANFORD BARRACKS Number of Pages 1 Key Word(s) Author(s) Company(s) Document…
It’s Halloween in 1953 Richland, and what are the Atomic Frontier kids thinking?
Historic photos from the Hanford Project Atomic Frontier – It’s Halloween in 1953 Richland, and what are the kids thinking? The kids are wondering, can I trick or treat in a fallout shelter? Y’know, if need be. Tinted a photo from the Hanford declassified archive.
The Hanford Project’s 1966-1967 study of Tri-city School Children in the Influence of Diet on Radioactivity in People
Only of interest to those who, as children, were tested by the Hanford Project in a study of influence of diet on radioactivity in people In the opening essay for what became the “Remixing the Hanford Declassified Project” I made mention as to how, as a young school child in Richland, I was one of…
Our Visual Aid for Confirmation of a Ketchup-like Slow Leak In Radioactive Waste Tank at the Hanford Nuclear Reserve
A handy dandy visual Aid for Hanford Nuclear Reservation managers confirming a leak in AY-102, which they say, however, is slow, like ketchup We have been watching the news about the AY-102 tank at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State, to see what would develop. Yesterday, a friend send me this article in which…
Life Magazine’s Article on the Hanford Project’s Plastic Man
Homer Moulthrop and the Hanford Project’s Plastic Man A couple of weeks ago, I suggested to the always interesting website Retronaut that photos of Plastic Man, from the Hanford declassified archive, might be of suitable interest to them and readers, and a few were posted. Plastic Man remains one of the more curious looking Hanford…
Halloween, Sex, and The Atomic Frontier – The Hanford Project, 1951
Historic photos from the Hanford Project Atomic Frontier – It’s Halloween and the woman in blue is thinking, “What if I’m having sex when the bomb drops? Will I go to hell?” Enlargement The mind-set was not, “What if I die before I (fill in the blank).” The mind-set was instead, “What if the bomb…
The Atomic Frontier Meets Slim Pickens at the Boy Scout Circus
Staged Mock Air Raids on the Atomic Frontier Were for the Purpose of…? For education, entertainment, and a likely badge, Boy Scouts of the Richland, Washington Atomic Frontier engineered the spectacle of a mock air raid for the Boy Scout circus in 1952. Though Camp Hanford was installed in 1951 to provide air protection for…
The Little Red Plutonium-Porting Wagons of the Hanford Project
Historic Photos from Hanford Declassified Documents of The Little Red Plutonium-Porting Wagons of the Hanford Project Yesterday, I posted a March 28, 1955 article from Life magazine, “Hot Work for Toys at Hanford”, on the use of toy trains and wagons to carry too-hot-to-handle radioactive materials from point to point at the Hanford Project in…
“Hot” Work for Toys at Hanford – The Life Article
Instead of pulling from the Hanford Declassified Project stockpile of images that continues to build on my computer, today’s posting is an article that appeared in “Life” magazine’s March 28, 1955 issue. The subject, the use of toys at Hanford for porting radioactive materials, including a photo of a man in a shielded area looking…
The Wheel of Death – 1950’s Richland, Home of the Atomic Frontier
Historic Photo of the Wheel of Death from the Hanford Declassified Document Retrieval System DDRS Record Details for Record Accession Number “N1D0035545” Accession Number N1D0035545 Document Number 2111-1-NEG-R Alternate Document Number 2111-1-NEG Title Description RIVERSIDE PARK ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES Number of Pages 1 Key Word(s) Author(s) Company(s) Document Date 04-Dec-2001 Public Availability Date 14-Feb-2002 Yeah,…
One Curious and One Uncomfortable Photo Concerning the Old Hanford Townsite
This is one of those images like in the Highlights children’s magazine where something isn’t quite right I culled these a long while ago from the Hanford Document Retrieval System: