Category: Everyday Stories

  • Get Happy

    The whole performance is grand but 1:16-1:32 picks you up and flings you into a whole other stratosphere. Amazing what she could pack into 16 seconds. 16 seconds! Doesn’t hurt that the set design is out of this world and all is framed by very nice camera work that takes a deceptive back seat. I’ve…

  • Don Conoscenti Benefit

    Attended the benefit for Don Conoscenti last night. A wonderful array of talent. One of the nicer things about the evening was the intimacy of the experience and the spirit in which all appeared to approach the stage, so that as I sat in the balcony I felt I was hearing in each performer what…

  • I just learned our toilet is the original thing

    A few kind of interesting facts about the apartment building we live in, which was built around 1910. It was once a luxury apartment building. One column of apartments is quite small and these apartments were used by butlers and maids who served the tenants. Some of the apartments have hidden safes. We don’t have…

  • Something not normally heard

    “Take that, Sydney Opera House!” H.o.p. and Marty are up front playing “Godzilla Unleashed’. I’m writing. I heard H.o.p. say that. It just struck me as one of those things not normally heard–unless you’re in earshot of people playing “Godzilla Unleashed”. Now I hear, “I’m confused already,” and I think yes, that’s a bumper sticker.

  • Fireworks

    Decatur fireworks. Enjoyable. Nice finish. Walking back to the car, H.o.p. accidentally stepped in a hole in the grass. One of those sneaky deep holes filled up with grass that you never see. Twisted his ankle. I was thankful it wasn’t broken.

  • Saturation Point

    The news in the big wide world out there is long past officially over the top for the Summer of ’09. Saturation point here was hit well over a week ago so every day I have to squeeze my brain out like a washrag. My absorbency is done did over. As I noted elsewhere… July…

  • Parking garages unsettle me

    Parking garage partly pancakes a couple of streets away. Lots of helicopters have been buzzing around. Amazingly, thus far there appear to be no injuries. Hope that holds true. The story. My mouth was left agape by the woman who walked to the 4th floor of the deck subsequent the collapse, realized what had happened…

  • Film director, Mohsen Makhmalbaf

    Huffington Post gives this translation: The people of Iran, by phone and mails, have asked me to send their message to mister Moussavi. This letter is a summary of what they have told me these past days from inside Iran and all over the world: “President Moussavi: give us your orders! Political power is gained…

  • Wasn’t expecting this…

    Michael Jackson died and pretty much took Twitter down with him. Amazing. The site slowed to a stop as news hit.

  • Dream House

    This is for (redacted) whose parents were once fashion forward in what proves to be an iconic Diamond & Baratta, iconic forward New England/American design kind of way, a taste which I now see I was too pedestrian too appreciate. That said, what was not had was the validation of 7.5 million dollars of house…

  • I took the stomach acid reducer, but laughter is the best medicine

    Following Iranian news from the usual sources I’ve been noting. Now taking a stomach acid reducer. * * * * * * * Once upon a time, there was a Family Values governor whose wife and “Cubby Culbertson” knew he was having affair, and the gov and the wife and the “spiritual giant” were really…

  • Do tell

    35,000 year old flute crafted from the hollow bone of a Griffin Vulture discovered in cave in southwestern Germany. “Archaeologists and other scholars can only speculate as to what moved these early Europeans to make music.” Well, they could talk to a musician about that. “The Hohle Fels flute was uncovered in sediments a… few…