Tag: politics

  • Sarah Palin and the Amazing Aquasaur

    Yesterday I saw something bizarre on the news that made my brain go to one of those last straw places you go to when your jar is filled with last straws and yet here is somehow another and it’s even more kinky twisted than the straw before it. “Oh,” you say, “certainly you’ve seen some…

  • Past is Prologue, Certainly

    Because of this I now have Mary Poppins on the brain. The hosts of Fox and Friends are concerned that a program in Ohio which allows same-day registration and voting could provide opportunities for voter fraud or manipulation. “Before you could try and actually prove where they actually live,” complained Gretchen Carlson, “if they’re actually…


    Over at Talkleft. House Passes Thought Crimes Bill and No One Notices? Center of Excellence. Who the hell comes up with these names? Like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. But for your brain.


    Three cheers for the internet as a last great bastion of democracy in America. And doesn’t it feel good to know you’re a part of it? From the interview with Elliot Cohen, The Last Days Of American Democracy? up at AlterNet: The Internet is really a great bastion of democracy. If we didn’t have the…


    The news Friday is that Gen. David Patraeus is saying we’ll be in Iraq for, well, around another decade: Gen. David Petraeus told a congressional delegation visiting the Middle East that success in Iraq will require a U.S. military presence there for about a decade, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said Friday. The commander of U.S.…

  • So just what branch are they under?

    Via Think Progress Bush claims he’s not part of the executive branch. Vice President Cheney has exempted his office from a presidential executive order designed to safeguard classified national security information by claiming that the Office of the Vice President is not an “entity within the executive branch.” Today the LA Times reveals that the…

  • Why the bass player cried that night

    Five or six years ago I tried blogging. We lived across the RR track, right next to the RR track, our too picturesque view of the world being the RR track and beyond it the large warehouse of a large dry cleaning establishment into which I never saw a single customer walk, which let the…