Tag: music

  • Don't know why I'm reminded of Alice's puzzling over which side of the mushroom to eat

    I don’t know why, when trying to think of how to describe Sondra Prill, Alice puzzling over which side of the mushroom to eat comes to mind. Maybe it’s the uncertainty of whether fate will take you to the home for which you long or drop you in disaster’s lap. Came upon the below at…

  • What’s your favorite Bach Passacaglia in C Minor (serious, looking for good one)

    I’m looking for a good version of Bach’s Passacaglia in C Minor. One with drama and nice flavoring. I’m only coming up with lifeless versions, and this should be a powerful piece. Any suggestions? Hope so.

  • Heston Listening Party

    I don’t do parties but decided to do this one. Heston was having a listening party on the roof of the 17 floor William Oliver House downtown for his upcoming CD (Marty engineered and mixed 11 of 14 songs), part of the purpose of which was to do a survey and pick the first single.…

  • Bob Dylan "With God on Our Side" 1964

    This one always has me near tears. My 4th of July post. And yes, this year we’re going to watch fireworks with family. Because kids love fireworks.

  • If you’re feeling whimsical, Tubby the Tuba

    Audio link is gone so am placing the Pal instead, now online. We used to have a trash copy of Pal’s Tubby I was able to tape off some program years ago, but can’t find it anymore. I went looking online today as H.o.p. was asking about it and found the audio, which H.o.p. also…

  • More tributes to Rick

    Nick at The Scratching Post writes: Most of all he was a nice guy, and I’m not just saying that to be polite. He’s another reminder that it’s not the things we leave behind that we’ll be remembered for; it’s the way we treat other people.

  • "Folks Behind the Faces"

    The fire that ate Rick’s house will have eaten his old Martin D28. Will have eaten his old Telecaster. May have left untouched the Graphite that George Coates talked Rick into buying, just like Rick should have left it on the music store wall, so Marty told him. The fire will have eaten his “Come…

  • Article on Rick Huff’s death

    Folly singer killed in fire Rick Huff recorded 2 CDs chronicling life at the beach BY NITA BIRMINGHAM AND PRENTISS FINDLAY The Post and Courier FOLLY BEACH – Singer Rick Huff, who penned songs that captured the soul of this Mayberry by the Sea, died Thursday in a fire at his house. Huff’s death in…

  • Rick Huff crossing over

    Rick Huff used to live in Atlanta but a while back moved to Folly Beach SC, which he loved. We don’t know the details but his house caught fire sometime Wednesday night/Thursday early and he died. He was a good friend of Marty’s and a friend of mine. But I think Rick was friends with…

  • And the Carllile Women Gave a Fantastic Show

    And the Carllile Women Gave a Fantastic Show

    You know you’ve got something special when people say “This is real, this is real”. And you really know you’ve got something special when women and men are left crying. Which is what happened at the concert the Carllile women gave Sunday night. These are special people. And Sunday’s was a special event. Virginia, Calli…

  • Set the Stage for Three Generations of Carllile Women

    This better be recorded. What: The Carllile Family When: Sunday, April 30th, 6 pm Doors Where: 800 East Studios (800 East Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30312 off North Highland Avenue, between Freedom Parkway and Randolph (www.800east.com) Cost: $25 for seated, $18 for standing. All ages welcome. Tickets available at www.ticketalternative.com. Carpooling is encouraged. Light food…

  • One day an amateur, the next day a pro

    So H.o.p. was down at the studio today. Marty has been recording Heston, a Dominican-born, Philadelphia-raised R&B singer. Heston’s little girl was there. A sweet smooth song and there’s a section in it about grade school teasing. Heston wanted a little background of a boy teasing a girl and had tried adults but it didn’t…