Tag: a

  • Fireworks

    Decatur fireworks. Enjoyable. Nice finish. Walking back to the car, H.o.p. accidentally stepped in a hole in the grass. One of those sneaky deep holes filled up with grass that you never see. Twisted his ankle. I was thankful it wasn’t broken.

  • Parking garages unsettle me

    Parking garage partly pancakes a couple of streets away. Lots of helicopters have been buzzing around. Amazingly, thus far there appear to be no injuries. Hope that holds true. The story. My mouth was left agape by the woman who walked to the 4th floor of the deck subsequent the collapse, realized what had happened…

  • Wasn’t expecting this…

    Michael Jackson died and pretty much took Twitter down with him. Amazing. The site slowed to a stop as news hit.

  • Do tell

    35,000 year old flute crafted from the hollow bone of a Griffin Vulture discovered in cave in southwestern Germany. “Archaeologists and other scholars can only speculate as to what moved these early Europeans to make music.” Well, they could talk to a musician about that. “The Hohle Fels flute was uncovered in sediments a… few…

  • Listening to Eric Burdon

    And Spill the Wine.

  • In which I learn H.o.p. doesn’t like PETA

    Last night, I told Marty about PETA going after Obama for swatting the fly, and H.o.p. overheard. Now, I’ve never said a word about PETA, and H.o.p. loves animals, but it was immediately apparent that somehow someway this eleven-year-old had educated himself about PETA on the web, I didn’t know when or why, but he…

  • The passing of TV’s snow age

    Thus has passed television’s snow age. Future viewers of “Poltergeist” will have no point of reference for the spook factor that was the fuzzy spirits lurking in the blizzard tellie.

  • In Which H.o.p. Corrects Me

    “Oh, no, that’s real world violence. I don’t want to see any real world violence, it’s too scary,” says H.o.p., glimpsing a video of protests in Iran. So I explain to him what it’s about and that it doesn’t show anything extreme. I give some historical context but also accidentally misreferenced on a significant point.…

  • On Etiquette and Lemon Meringue Pie

    I grew up with lemon meringue pie. Marty grew up with lemon cream meringue pie that was called lemon meringue, though no one in their right mind should claim lemon cream is the real deal. Anyway, when I’m eating a store-bought, lemon meringue pie, don’t come up and tell me, “It looks like snot.” There…

  • The demise of the summer bathrobe?

    The demise of the bathrobe is on my mind, because Aaron loves bathrobes. Several years from now, that guy you see strolling around town in a Japanese Yukata? That will be Aaron. I searched all over the internet for a boy’s cotton summer robe for him but found nothing. Eventually, it occurred to me to…

  • “They’re weird!”

    Aaron is totally freaked out by the new Old Navy ad campaign with the scary mannequins. Can’t say that I blame him.

  • The news that I preferred to have catch my attention today…

    Particles Larger Than Galaxies Fill the Universe?