Tag: a
H.o.p.’s Ants Arrived
We sent off for H.o.p.’s ants from Uncle Milton Sept. 4th. The window for arrival had the latest date as Oct. 18th. Last week we received notice that they’d be mailing them out and they arrived today, first class mail, in an envelope marked “Temperature sensitive, Keep from Heat and Frost, Perishable, Handle with care”.…
It had been drizzling so I didn’t pack the camera when we walked from Midtown to Centennial Park to hear the Dalai Lama. Thus, the only pic I’ve to offer is the below one taken with my cellphone. H.o.p. brought his camera but he took pics of the kids playing next to us. Another reason…
You Want to Hear Me Flub, Right?
Update on the notion of podcasting some readings of “Unending Wonders of a Subatomic World or In Search of the Great Penguin”. I’ve got a nice mic here and preamp that I’m borrowing from Marty. Makes things sound so much better (though tinny was good for the animations). And I’m trying to get used to…
Sorry, no photos
Young son will hopefully now think twice about leaving things scattered all about. “You need to pick all this up,” I said and said again. Then rammed my foot right into a dumbbell of mine he’d taken from next to my desk and left lying in the middle of the floor. Ripped a toenail right…
Look what arrived in a box from my mom, 4 mass-produced lithos in pretty much pristine condition from 1965, ordered from “Great Art Treasures” at 420 Lexington Avenue in New York, bulk rate, US postage paid, still in their original mailing tube. These were probably destined for my bedroom wall but never made it there.…
Saturday morning I went in and tried out “Second Life” just to see what it was like. I chose my name and basic avatar. Then landed in an antiseptic welcome area, some other “guy” birthing into Second Life beside me at about the same time. I took this as a sign there would be plenty…
Thursday we were listening to Beethoven’s 7th symphony as done by the Orchestra of the 18th Century, conducted by Frans Bruggen. Just beautiful. Which means I rented “Zardoz” through Netflix. Had not seen it in a long while and had forgotten how bad much of it is. Marty is encouraging me to send it back…
Pointless (in sepia) Pointless hermit crabs. Under cover of simulated night they come out to play and eat. Shhhh! You might scare them back in their shells. Site Search Tags: hermit+crabs
Too Much Knowledge about Hermit Crabs
Too much knowledge about hermit crabs. I’m now into what kind of sand and how this and that sand is bad and what sand may be good and you have to prewash sand? How in the world do you prewash sand and get it to dry? Did you know play sand has metal filings in…
Is Just Plain Insipid Enough to Elicit Tears?
Have been working on the website revision and while working I’ve been listening to an XM channel on the Direct TV that H.o.p. had turned on to help him sleep. It’s mostly very soothing, fairly insipid synth harpy windy music. We’re not talking Brian Eno. Mostly meandering stuff, very even in temper, and sometimes tinkly…
Commercial Break
Several days into the Direct TV experience and I”m avoiding the BOX. The commercials creep me out. About thirteen years ago I pretty much stopped watching commercial television, and I’m remembering why. The commercials. Nearly everyone one of them feels like a person in a white coat is approaching with needle and syringe, grinning, “This…
Animated Shorts – I Love Buster Keaton
Animated Shorts – I Love Buster Keaton 19.19 by 12 inches, digital painting J Kearns 2007 Lightbox enlargement I decided the thing to do, the first night of having Direct TV, was to not fiddle with redoing the botched running of cords but to spend hours watching Buster Keaton. Because I’m crazy about Buster Keaton,…