Tag: a
Some Book Buying Out of the Way
Anybody got a Harold Jacob’s “Mathematics, A Human Endeavor” book they want to sell me for cheap? Never mind. I found a second edition copy that I purchased for $26. I should not have. H.o.p. will hate it. But we’ll have it none-the-less. I’m on a math list that is starting a study using the…
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, Rage Rage Against the Melting In The Light
Or something like that. I’m referring to the Snowman Sentinel, of course.
This Morning…
Me, I’m just waiting for the water for my coffee to heat up. Waiting for Marty to get home from the laundry. Waiting for H.o.p. to get going (he drug a pile of books to bed with him and read late into the night). In the meanwhile I clean the bathroom which is never in…
A Second Snowfall, a Second Snowman!
H.o.p. battles the Sentinel Snowman Knight, 2008 View On White Unprecedented! A second snowfall in one week here! Seriously, this is quite something for Atlanta. This snowfall didn’t have quite as large snowflakes as the first and wasn’t hurtling with as much vigor from the sky, but enough had gathered in a couple of hours…
The Neighborhood Gets Way Too Eventful (And Snow)
I woke up Tuesday morning set to spend the day devoted to working on Sue’s photos but checking my email I discovered that I was part of Dreamhost’s $7,500,000 f*** u* in which they accidentally way overcharged all their customers. Only I didn’t know this was a major all-encompassing script snafu yet. All I knew…
H.o.p. and the Sphinx, 2007 Dec, MMoA
H.o.p. and the Sphinx, 2007 Dec, MMoA View On White Another version, before I photoshopped out a woman. But I rather like this one as well. View On White
Heavy Metal Fashion
Fashion! Fashion! Fashion! At MMoA, we spent a good portion of time in the Knights in Shining Armor galleries, H.o.p. ogling metal and me taking dozens of photos for him since he’s been knight crazy for a year and I knew he’d want to be able to later study the different styles of armor…which is…
We have living above us the next Coen Brother’s movie plot. You think I’m joking. I’m not. I’m dead serious about it. And, no matter how much I love the Coen Brothers (“The Big Lebowski’s” dude is my hero) I don’t want the plot of their next movie living above us because DAMN IT the…
This is taking forever
Cactus and Palms and Pink Condo, Arizona View Larger On White
"And then I saw everyone around running…"
Guns and gunfire seem to be all over the news this week. Apropos, Marty, on his way home, stops at the grocery store near here. Upon leaving, he almost walked right into a bullet. As he stepped out from between a row of cars, approaching ours, he hears BANG and then realizes some guy standing…
Despite my not liking The Nutcracker, I made it a point last week to sit with H.o.p. each night for Ovation’s “Battle of the Nutcrackers”. Well, except for the first night. Missed that one. My brain still hurts. To get me back it keeps repeating several bar snippets of Nutcracker music. * * * *…
12,000 square feet (more or less) of darkness filled with monolithic shadows deflating…
Party at Monkey Joe’s, 2007 Light box enlargement Party at Monkey Joe’s, 2007 We figured it would be nice to have a birthday party for H.o.p. at one of those play places that have all the inflatables. Marty had suggested Bouncing Bob’s but it was rather expensive. So, though I thought it would be cool…