Pointer to Living in the Heart of Chocolate City

Check out the song Living in the Heart of Chocolate City. There’s a sample available, and the full tune can be downloaded for $1.39. 50 percent of the publishing proceeds will go to NOLA’s Habitat for Humanity.

Marty got the call to do production on it last week. Recorded by Gato Mahdi and The Whole Wide World. Heaven Davis and her sisters sang back-up vocals. Features Little John Roberts on drums, John Roberts on bass, Rick Hinkle on guitar and Bob Elsie from Swimming Pool Q’s on guitar as well.

Marty’s family is all from the Gulf–Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama–and most of his cousins are all down there, so a good deal of talk at Christmas was about Katrina as so many members of family were in areas slammed by Katrina, flooded out of NOLA itself, and hit in other parts of Louisiana and Mississippi and Alabama. I’d talk about the sense of frustration experienced…but…what else can be said.






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