Rational Discussion Expected

BATTLE ESCALATES! Tom Delay declares legitimate debate by people of good will against a Judiciary run amok in their War on Faith. The New American Homeland Security Vatican announced its Pope with smoke and bells on the steps of the Supreme Court.

“And to imagine, I always thought it was grape juice,” Delay said, admitting he had alot to learn about his new office.

Delay says Federal Judiciary Has ‘Run Amok,’ Adding Congress is Partly to Blame.

And while on the subject of Delay, check out The Heretik’s take on Clown Delay. Funny but also…well, meditate on Delay running about a circus rink and the humor evaporates into something reaching archetypal pathos.





2 responses to “Rational Discussion Expected”

  1. The Heretik Avatar

    Now I’m going to have to change my pants again. Featured this in Showtime for Schadenfreude. LOL. So impressed. Knock it off. I am going to run out of words with which to praise your funny self.

  2. site admin Avatar

    Why thank you. He’s distressingly inspirational. You are as well (absent the distressing part). Boy do you cover some bases.

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