Yes, yes, I'm watching C-Span

I’m sitting here writing and watching the filibuster or procedural block or whatever on C-Span 2 on my computer (don’t have cable).

Had been listening to music earlier (yes, Bowie) on the headphones then gone away for a while and returned.

So I picked up the headphones before I went to C-Span and put them on and then went to C-Span and brought up the sound and was listening to the wash of Senate floor blur blur noise like it was coming through the end of a long sewer pipe and there in the background was also some 80s radio channel breaking through. What? Hadn’t noticed my computer doing that before.

“More entertainment,” I thought. “I can play guess that song in the meanwhile.”

Then H.o.p. comes in and says, “You’re listening to my computer.” Points to his computer and I follow the cord and yep. He’d taken the headphones and plugged them into his computer (our desks are next to each other) and I’d been listening to the senate through my speakers and some 80s radio channel leaking through his computer on the headphones.

So H.o.p. takes back the headphones so he can drown out the sound of the senate with some dinosaur CD he’s watching.

Then he goes running in to where Marty is watching sci fi in the bedroom and comes running back in and drops a paperback book from out of the sky into my lap. Kurt Vonnegut’s “Hocus Pocus”.

“Look! It fell from the sky!” he says.

Forgot we had it. I’ve not read it yet.

Senator Lamar Alexander (Republican of Tennessee) is talking about locomotives and railroad tracks and his dad or granddad in Kansas and WWII. There’s a story there to do with all this that he’s trying to make but it escapes me. He ends in saying what’s needed is an agreement for sake of the troops (something like that) so it can be said to them…

“…we agree on your mission on why you’re being wounded and dying.”

Delivered with all the conviction and sincerity of an individual who himself doesn’t have to put on a helmet, take up a gun and go out on patrol in an unprotected hummer.






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