The Grand Canyon and its Tourists – Tourist with Fuzzy Hat (digital painting)

Awed by the Grandeur of it all

The Grand Canyon and its Tourists – Tourist with Fuzzy Hat
Digital painting (with photo by artist for reference)
25.55 by 27.93 in.

Lightbox enlargement

Another in my series of the series of the Grand Canyon and its Tourists. I’ve been working on this one since January. Painted the background at least twelve times, frustrated with an inability to get a balance between the diagonals and horizontals that was right.

The man’s posture is the perfect expression of awe and fear. The first time you step up to the rim of the canyon, even with a fence, it can do that to you.

And I loved the enthusiasm of the woman with the clenched fist.

There was a fence there. I just painted it without one. I disregarded the fence in the painting, just as many tourists disregard the fences at the Grand Canyon in physical reality.


Personal photos used for reference:






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