Scenes for Quiet Walls Series of Digital Paintings

Cupid’s Wedding Chapel, Las Vegas, 1991
Digital painting
20 in wide by 14 high
J Kearns

Lightbox enlargement

Click here for all posts in the “Scenes for Quiet Walls” series of digital paintings.

And here’s what it looks like today. Spiffier. I like the old building better. I mean, if you’re going to get married in Las Vegas, don’t you want it to be midnight and in a Whitman’s Candy Sampler box? I know if I was getting married in Las Vegas that’s how I’d want it.

I dunno. I may take out the car. I’ve taken it out and put it back in already because it just didn’t look right without the car. But I like the idea of an empty street.

My reference pic.

Used as reference for "Cupid's Chapel" digital painting





5 responses to “Scenes for Quiet Walls Series of Digital Paintings”

  1. blue girl Avatar

    I like the older building a lot better too. It looks like something out of a David Lynch movie!

    And your description of a Whitman’s Sampler box was perfect…

  2. Idyllopus Avatar

    Oh, goodie, a comment on the wedding chapel. The old building is just such an unbeatable classic. There aren’t many buildings that make you wonder at every foot that ever stepped over its threshhold. This is one of them.

  3. Michael Bains Avatar

    Keep the car. It makes the irreality feel pretty real.

    The scene reminds me of my old haunts in Lakewood, only the Cupid sign was a Malley’s Chocolates and there was musicians swapshop (might now be a headshop) across the road. It’s a great stretch of street to walk.

    Very nice. Thank you.

  4. Chris Avatar

    And I own two of those feet 😉 Love the work, how can I get a hi-res copy??

  5. V Avatar

    Love this pic! Got married here 35 years ago. We have a picure with our 1970 Chevy Monte Carlo out front all decked out!!

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