No, the Frag Dolls,, so-named for…
frag /frag/ n. & v. · n. 1 number of kills. 2 a fragmentation grenade. · v. 1 to eliminate other players in multiplayer shooters (fragging).
…weren’t content with video game kills and bloodshed. As pointed out in my prior post, PTSD (maybe death) is finding out war isn’t like it was in the army’s hot fantasy combat video games, they decided the thing to do was to serve as recruitment bait for the army, get some dollars from the army for taking on the boys and girls, men and women, the army hopes to sign on through its “War is Fun and Gaming Development” program.
These women are ripe for Operation Yellow Elephant, y’think?
The website caption for this picture reads, These glass cube things make a cute “plink” sound when you flick em with your fingernail. Yeah, and real fragmentation grenades go BOOM real loud. But that’s not so cute.
And it’s not real sexy either.
Nor does it happen on a computer monitor.
P.S. Man, I hope I don’t go and get the kick ass Frag Dolls all mad at me.
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