Botanical Garden Fairy Tale





8 responses to “Botanical Garden Fairy Tale”

  1. gin Avatar

    so….did the stone move?….did the boy tell you anything about the secret world…or most probably, it is a secret he wont reveal….

  2. Idyllopus Avatar

    It moved! It did. In fact, it revolved all the way around as it’s balanced on a ball bearing.

    He tells me there were dragons and knights and an alternate way to the parking lot. That’s exactly what he tells me.

  3. Susan Och Avatar

    Check out today’s NY Times article about Hanford and “nuclear tourists”:

  4. Idyllopus Avatar

    Susan, thanks for the link. I wonder if I should try to make the trek up there when they open the reactor for tourists for several months next year. Hah, and then the year afterward I could do the Savannah River Plant when they open it up. Anyway, it’d be a good excuse to take H.o.p. out west to see where mom grew up. If the price of gas permits.

  5. Miss Jane Avatar

    I love doorways to secret worlds… One of them opens everytime I visit your blog…

  6. Idyllopus Avatar

    That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my blog. Thank you.

  7. Jennifer Avatar

    I’ve been gone too long, but I pushed the stone and voila! NEW FONT! NEW FORMAT!

  8. Idyllopus Avatar

    It has been a while then, because I redid the blog some time last month.

    Sorry to read about your basement woes. At this point I’d go with a concrete floor and walls and paint it a nice pleasant shade of aqua. Throw in some sand and Annette Funicello and spirits may possibly brighten.

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