Fairy tale podcast fails at first try (and I don't think I'll do it after all)

H.o.p. and I attempted Sunday to do a fairy tale podcast (a first–H.o.p.’s done his own little radio shows, but this idea was mine) and it failed. We made four attempts and though H.o.p. enjoyed himself even he admits, in this case, that having a good time doesn’t make for something to release on the internet. Of course, H.o.p. loves it and thinks, too, it ought to go up. But it ought not, I don’t think.

This is a confusing post, isn’t it? It was even more confusing before I added a couple words to clarify.






2 responses to “Fairy tale podcast fails at first try (and I don't think I'll do it after all)”

  1. ronniepitman Avatar

    Not confusing now. Of course you have piqued appetites about the podcast, but I won’t encourage you to go through with it. Sometimes people say something isn’t too good, you convince them to share it, and then you find out for yourself, yeah, it’s not too good. Still…
    With H.o.p.’s desire to do a fairy tale, plus his love of clay, a claymation vidcast might be in order. But then you have to deal with the bandwidth charges. Or, upload it to youtube.

  2. Idyllopus Avatar

    We’ve got a number of his old experiments up on Youtube and several housed on this site (because Youtube playback can be choppy). So that’s not an issue. I’ve plenty enough bandwidth. This idea for the fairy tales just isn’t going to work or at least not as initially conceived, and though H.o.p. has talked about doing claymation fairy tales, he’s much more interested in his Inventor and Robot and Charlie Ducklin. Right now he’s talking about doing a claymation of his new character, Cacklecrud, and has planned out a lot of back history, but so far is only doing sketches.

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