Where's George

A little bit of fun on a day that was so boring it was disorienting.

H.o.p.’s been losing baby teeth like crazy the past month. Subsequent last night’s visit from the Tooth Fairy, he asked me what was up with one of the dollar bills. It had strange writing on it, he said. I looked at the bill and, sure enough, it had been stamped with wheresgeorge.com and “Track This Bill”, with arrows highlighting the serial number and series date.

The bill’s history was unremarkable and with no notations. It was in Buffalo NY in 24 Aug 05, then Cortland NY on 29 Sep 05, next was in Montague Michigan on 13 July 2007. And finally it had made it to observant H.o.p…

Via the Tooth Fairy.

Reading the forum to see how best to mark a bill (but not wanting to invest in a stamp) as H.o.p. was mildly curious about doing one (and the answer is either Pigma Micron archival ink #1 or Jacquard Tee Juice Fineliner for Fabric), I saw that George Carlin was a fan of wheresgeorge.com, putting Where’s George bills in circulation as he toured.

P.S. Differences in perspectives. My day was so boring as to be disorienting. H.o.p., on the other hand, says this was a positively red letter day, what with his name being sent to the moon and getting a Where’s George bill.






2 responses to “Where's George”

  1. Susan Och Avatar

    At the casino I see a lot of bills go by but I don’t have time to study them. $100 bills often bear cryptic messages, some in English, but often in Arabic. Many of the English messages are notes on transactions, like “Give to Mom,” that lead me to think that people write on their money to organize it. I have no idea what the Arabic is about.

  2. Idyllopus Avatar

    Interesting. It has never ever occurred to me to write on money in order to organize it.

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