The Stage – The Twilight Club (Digital Painting)

The Stage – The Twilight Club
30 by 23 inches, digital painting
2008 by J Kearns



Third painting I’ve done using this model. Also used her for Blue Sunset and Then I Saw Her Face.

Began this painting before I got the flu so took me about a month. Photo background for reference was a shot I took of a shuttered club I think in Texas. Have a couple of other versions I was working on but I went with the more orthodox one.

Appreciation is extended to Phoeebstock for stock reference for the model.






4 responses to “The Stage – The Twilight Club (Digital Painting)”

  1. nina Avatar

    She looks so vulnerable, as if cast out from a broken world and not sure where to go.

    I’m still in Massachusetts, where I spent the night with Ellen, in her dorm. I actually got a pretty good night’s sleep! I’ll be flying home later. Her dorm is pretty quiet at this time of the morning! Not late last night, though. I’ve been having a really great time with her.

  2. Idyllopus Avatar

    You’re going to have to define “late” for me. 🙂

    Sounds fun.

    I’m wondering if you ate campus food and how it was.

  3. nina Avatar

    Hmmm….late in the dorms. I’m really not sure because I went to sleep. But I think maybe things were still going on until 2 in the morning.

    No, I didn’t eat campus food. Ellen and I went to eat at a place in Northampton that had Morrocan food. Yum! And she keeps some food in her room, which I ate. But though she keeps her room looking reasonably neat, the rest of her dorm, including the kitchen, is pretty much a pig sty. She said she feels too creeped out to cook anything in it at this point. I can’t say I blame her after seeing what it looked like. Yuck. But it was so great to spend time with her.

  4. Idyllopus Avatar

    I thought when you’re in school you’re pretty much supposed to live on ramen and more ramen, anyway. And for that all she needs is a microwave.

    If I was in school, probably most everything I ate would come out of a microwave or a can or a hiker’s complete meal in a paper wrapper.

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