Watch "The Story of Stuff"

Head over to Youtube and watch every chapter of “The Story of Stuff”–the Intro, Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption, Disposal and Another Way. Or view the film at The Story of Stuff website.

I watched the film last night and H.o.p. found it so engaging that he picked up his chair and brought it over and sat through the film with me.

Then, he requested we watch it again. Yes, he was primarily interested in the animation, but he was also listening, adding his own punctuations of, “Oh, wow!” and “Oh, no!” “I didn’t know that!” and questioning me on certain points.

Not that there was a lot of fresh info of which he might not be aware, because we talk about the subjects covered daily around here, but there was some new info and the presentation was excellent, catching his imagination. Which is why I’m recommending the movie. Whoever Annie Leonard is, she does a fine job drawing the viewer in and is just plain enjoyable. And it’s a difficult job making the topic of “Who the hell pays for that ultra cheap $4.99 radio and no you don’t really need those new shoes” inviting and enjoyable, especially when you’re also being told about how destructive planned obsolescence and mass consumerism is.

She even brings up why Bush, after 9/11, immediately told us all to go out and SHOP!

Down the same vein, Annie broaches the subject of how those of us who don’t participate in mass consumer culture become viewed as less valuable members of society. Indeed, if you have time for only one chapter, then the chapter I’d suggest watching is the one on consumption.





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