You get the idea. Day four and still no tunnels.
Maybe they’re same-lineage ants who have lost the ability to work.
Or there is one amongst them preaching, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity!”
I did a brief search on the internet for others having this experience, and expected to come up with a fair number of reports of striking ants. Instead I’m regaled with posts of people loving all the harvesty worker ant activity going on in their ant farms, photos displayed of the marvelous tunnel networks dutifully and industrialfully created by the ants, all for your very own personal edification, within the first 24 hours of being plunked down in their high tech NASA nutrient-rich gel environment.
Our ants continue to sit on top of the gel discussing.
I ask H.o.p., “Are you disappointed in your non-tunneling ants?”
“Yes,” he says.
Should they live their full three months and manage to never drill a single tunnel, that will be impressive in its own way, I suppose.
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