Roman Bacchus at Imperial Rome Exhibit, Fernbank Museum of Natural History
Copyright Juli Kearns
The stars have mandated that today is Adore Jennifer at Saying Yes day. The stars did not declare today “Jennifer General Appreciation Day”. No, they ordered a “J’Adore Jennifer Day”.
The Romans and Greeks taught us what happens when mere mortals attempt to defy the constellations–and why should we want to in this instance, except out of perverse obstinacy? I say we do what we can to please the stars, and Jennifer, and render unto Jennifer the blogy attentiveness that is deservedly hers…
Shrines and ancient art work are to be delivered here.
My contribution is this particularly “come hither” Bacchus. Almost looks like he’s daring you to have that first drink of the day (or evening). I can’t imbibe, Bacchus having kicked my ass many years ago, but I don’t believe Jennifer is prohibited. If I was in her vicinity, I’d buy her that first drink of the evening, get myself some cranberry juice, and toast her health and tidings of good fortune.
May the stars look favorably upon me for obeying their dictum.
Site Search Tags: bacchus, imperial+rome+exhibit, fernbank
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