Well, it was like a BIG PARTY here yesterday, with nearly 800 unique visits via No Impact Man’s site. I was very impressed by the reserve exhibited as there were only two comments left behind by new names (thanks). When I realized NIM had linked, I’d taken comments off moderation so that if anyone new did want to comment they wouldn’t have to wait for approval. Had I’d thought to supply a keg and a band tongues might have been looser and things might have even been merry. It can be hard to anticipate musical tastes but, no doubt, no matter the flavor of band, at least a couple of souls would have been shouting “Freebird!” by the end.
Things will be winding down and getting back to normal today, which means I simply continue with posting as I have been previously.
Today’s videoblog offering? An homage to the Ultra Green Pot.
P.S. The napkins were the recycled paper sort.
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